Cooking Up Embroidery - digitizing handwritten items in StitchArtist L1
Class #52 for Subscribers of my Vimeo Channel
This class walks you thru the process of turning a handwritten item such as a recipe or poem or special note into an embroidery design. In addition to software how to - this can be done in StitchArtist L1 - I also talk to you about thread weight, fabric preparation, using a BX font to create a "hand written look" and more.
I do not stitch on floursack towels - too lightweight and the type of towel you actually really use on a regular basis for REAL kitchen work. The towels I prefer to stitch my treasured keepsakes are of high quality from Yes, you can still use them in the kitchen and they wash well, but they aren't the first thing you grab when you spill something messy. You can use the coupon EMBRILLIANCE10 to get an additional 10% off items on her website.
Your Instructor
I look back on the list of what I’ve done and say to myself - “DANG I must LOVE what I do because time sure flies when you’re having fun!” And that is the truth - I caught the machine embroidery bug when I got my first embroidery machine back in 1995 and I’ve been passionate ever since.
Yes, I started out as a hobbyist and still consider myself to be a card carrying member of addicted to machine embroidery anonymous. I attended an engineering school back in New England studying Math (Operations Research) and worked for a “think tank” attached to the Pentagon studying computer war simulations data analysis. Don’t you see how that relates to machine embroidery? My mother is still shaking her head at me - she didn’t understand what I did then and isn’t quite sure she understands what I do now :-) Actually a loose definition of Operations Research is finding the fastest, most efficient and least expensive solution to a problem. So with machine embroidery, I like to get from the computer to the embroidery machine as quickly and painlessly as possible. See! They kind of relate!
For almost 15 years I was the Tech Support Manager for a company called Buzz Tools and I gained so much from the experience. I found that I really enjoyed helping people conquer their fear of the computer, your partner in the machine embroidery process. Once you understand that the smart and creative one in the partnership is YOU - the computer becomes a hammer. A tool that has no magical power - it just does what you tell it to do. Now the fun and artistry can begin!
So on that premise I have taught classes and workshops around the world and played with way too many software programs and was really starting to get a bit burnt out on the whole “tech support” aspect. Call it a midlife adjustment - I left my position as “top guru”, bought myself a Mac and decided to pursue a new direction - similar but different. I was no longer representing a software company, I was representing me and what I loved to do with machine embroidery - yes, kind of scary!